School Year 2024-2025


The LCA Running Club
Grade Level 4th - 12th
Openings Open
Day(s) and Time(s) Wednesday 2:00 - 3:00
Campus Location Life Christian Academy
Course Description

Students will meet once a week for training and will also have the opportunity to run as a group in local county races or participate in a one mile club fun run each month. (Parents, please feel free to join in with us.) During class time, students will learn about: dynamic & static stretching, strengthening & conditioning, injury prevention, running safety, motivational strategies, running form, endurance building, nutrition for runners and rest & recovery. Students will also be given a training plan for each semester. This will challenge students to run outside of our class times.  At the end of each class, there will be a short devotional to connect “running a race” to running  “with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” (Heb. 12:1-2) A note to new families:  During the second semester, we will take the months of January & February off, and class fees will be adjusted accordingly for that semester. 

Returning students: Please note the new time, day of the week, & location. 

Tuition $60.00 / $0.00 for supplies
Required Material
Other Information